Health Information & Services

Children learn best when they are well when they have had a good night's sleep, and when they have received a healthy meal before they begin their day. We believe that parents have the primary responsibility for their children's health, but your School Nurse is available for any questions about health concerns that you feel might impact your children's educational experience. Together, we work to provide a safe and healthful learning environment for your children.

Health Requirements for School

Immunizations: All students entering school must be fully immunized for their age.

 Kansas Statute 72-5209 requires ‘every student enrolling in school to provide proof of inoculations (vaccines) prior to admission and attendance at school. Pupils who have not completed the required inoculations may enroll or remain enrolled while completing the required inoculations if a physician or local health department certifies that the pupil has received the most recent appropriate inoculations in all required series. Failure to timely complete all required series shall be deemed non-compliance.

A pupil shall be subjected to exclusion under this section until such time as the pupil shall have complied with the requirements.

For students who test positive for COVID or other infectious diseases, they should stay home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medicine and their symptoms are improving. 

COVID Testing: We have COVID self-testing kits available for free to all students and families. If you are interested in acquiring these kits, please contact your school nurse or request a FREE test online.

Physical Exam: All students under the age of 9 years need to have a physical exam on file with the school. The exam should not be older than 12 months prior to the student’s first entry into a Kansas school. This is a one-time requirement and does not need to be done yearly.

Kansas Stature 72-5214 requires, ‘prior to admission to and attendance in school, every pupil up to the age of nine years shall present the results of a health assessment, pursuant to subsection (g), which assessment shall have been conducted within 12 months of school entry by a nurse who has completed the department of health and environment training and certification, by a physician or by a person acting under the direction of a physician.  

A pupil shall be subject to exclusion from school attendance under this section until such time as the pupil shall have complied with the requirements.’

Please take care of getting your child’s immunizations and physical exams before school starts.  Turn the documentation into the health room.

The Shawnee County Health Department has an immunization clinic. Here is their information:

2115 SW 10th Ave
Topeka, KS 66604


You must call and schedule an appointment.

Please take your immunization record.


For the physical exam, please see your pediatrician or family doctor, or check with one of the many freestanding medical clinics to see if they do school physicals.